Ettie Rosenberg, PharmD, JD

Assistant Dean of Student Affairs and Professor of Pharmacy Practice

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Dr. Ettie Rosenberg earned her Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) from the University of Southern California, and Juris Doctor (JD) from Southwestern University School of Law, both in Los Angeles.

Her contributions include: (1)“Feasibility of Virtual Mock Trials as a Parallel Teaching-Assessment Activity for Student Pharmacists at Two American Pharmacy Programmes during COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond” (Pharmacy Education, 2021); (2)Commentary: Digging Deeper: Examining DEA Proposed New Rule to Enhance Cultivation of Marijuana for Research Exposes Conflict of Interest for DEA(JCPhP, Summer 2020); (3) “Research Brief: A Pilot Study on Pharmacy Law Education across Doctor of Pharmacy Programs” (AJPE, 2019); (4)“Common Legal Issues Confronted in Pharmacy Practice: Avoiding Common Legal Issues Confronted in Pharmacy Practice: Evaluating Prescriptions with PRN Wording and Calling for Refills” (JCPhP, 2019); (5)“New Schools; Innovation at Its Best! Implementation and Lessons Learned from a Mock Trial as a Teaching- Learning and Assessment (CPTL, 2018); (6)“Interpretation of California’s Marijuana Regulation after Proposition 64, and Pharmacy Practice Roles in Medical Marijuana Dispensing against Federal Enforcement Risks (JCPhP, 2018); (7)Laws Expanding the Pharmacist’s Role in Patient Care(CPJ, 2017); (8) “Deliberate Integration of Student Leadership Development in Doctor of Pharmacy Programs”(AJPE, 2016).

With the inception of the Mock Trial Project, Dr. Rosenberg pioneered an active learning strategy in pharmacy education which develops student competencies in both the affective and cognitive domains. The Mock Trial Project received Honorable Mention in the 2017 AACP Innovations in Teaching Competition (April 2017) based on her portfolio submission “Development, Implementation, and Lessons Learned from a Mock Trial as a Teaching and Assessment Activity in a Required Evidence-Based Practice Course.” Since then, the mock trial project has expanded to incorporate a second PharmD program (2017-2018), a “virtual” competition between two PharmD programs (2019) as well as cross-institutional collaboration between students at two pharmacy programs via Blackboard Collaborate®️ a learning management system (2019).

Lessons learned from those experiences facilitated a quick response to the declaration of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, and with the sudden transition to remote-teaching/learning, a “virtual” mock trial was implemented, serving as a final course exam. The following year, a pharmacy elective featured lessons in advocacy and a virtual mock trial (2021). Continuing from this successful journey of scholarly exploration in pharmacy education, the mock trial project gained recognition and support from the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) Continuing Professional Development Section. In 2022, this recognition led to an inaugural AACP Mock Trial Competition, which offered an opportunity to students at all pharmacy programs to submit a letter of intent, compete in semi-final virtual mock trial; and for the two prevailing teams to face each other in-person at the AACP Annual Meeting held in July. The annual AACP Mock Trial Competition is now in its second year (2023).


Rosenberg ETruong HA, Hsu, A, Taheri R; New Schools; Innovation at Its Best!Implementation and Lessons Learned from a Mock Trial as a Teaching-Learning and Assessment Activity, Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning (CPTL), Articlein pressMarch 2018;pending publicationVolume 10 Issue 8, August 2018.

Rosenberg E,Interpretation of California’s Marijuana Regulation after Proposition 64 and Pharmacy Practice Roles in Medical Marijuana Dispensing against Federal Enforcement Risks(Continuing Education),Article in pressMarch 2018. Published online: March 22, 2018, © Journal of Contemporary Pharmacy Practice 2018., California Pharmacists Association (CPhA).

Weissman F,Rosenberg E;New Laws That Expand The Role Of The Pharmacist In Patient Care,Journal of Contemporary Pharmacy Practice (Continuing Education), Inaugural Issue, September 2017 (Quarter 3) , California Pharmacists Association.

Rosenberg E, Legislation Update on Medical Marijuana: What’s the Score? Why Is the 51st State in Our Union the State of Confusion? (Continuing Education) California Pharmacist Journal, VOL. LXIII, NO. 3; Summer 2016, California Pharmacists Association, First published online September 1, 2016, at

Janke KK, Nelson MH, Bzowyckyj AS, Fuentes, DG,Rosenberg E, Di Cenzo R (2016) SPECIAL ARTICLE: Deliberate Integration of Student Leadership Development in Doctor of Pharmacy Programs, American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, Volume 80, Issue 1, 2016: Article 2.

Janke KK, Nelson MH, Bzowyckyj AS, Fuentes DG, Rosenberg E,Di Cenzo R (2014) White Paper: Deliberate Integration of Student Leadership Development in Doctor of Pharmacy Programs, published November 1, 2014, Center for Advancement of Pharmacy Education (CAPE), American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP),

Chong MT, Yamaki J, Harwood M, d’Assalenaux R,Rosenberg E, Aruoma O, Bishayee A (2014): Assessing health conditions and medication use among the homeless community in Long Beach, California; Journal of Research in Pharmacy Practice: Apr- Jun 2014, Vol 3, Issue : 2, pp: 56-61.


Rosenberg E, Truong HA, Hsu A, Taheri R. “Implementation and Lessons Learned from a Mock Trial as a Teaching- Learning and Assessment Activity;” Innovations in Teaching Research,Honorable Mention, [118th Annual Meeting, of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP), Nashville, Tennessee, July 15-19, 2017], American Journal of Pharmacy Education 2017; 81 (5) Article S5 (126). ajpe815S5.


Rosenberg E, Truong HA, Hsu A Taheri R: AACP 2017 Innovations in Teaching Poster Presentation,Honorable Mention: Implementation and Lessons Learned from a Mock Trial as a Teaching- Learning and Assessment Activity [American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) 2017 Annual Meeting. July 17, 2017]

Rosenberg E (Invited Speaker, January 2017)Legislative Update on Marijuana in California (and the US)Spotlight on Health Policy, Institute of Health Policy and Leadership, Loma Linda University Health, January 25, 2017.

Rosenberg E, (Invited Speaker, November 2016)Continuing Education: Using a Mock Trial to “Flip” the Classroom, Pharmacy Law Educators Seminar, American Society for Pharmacy and Law Developments in Pharmacy Law Seminar XXVII,Hilton Austin, Texas, November 12, 2016.

Rosenberg, E, ֻƬ School of Pharmacy Preceptor Appreciation & Professional Development Seminar,Continuing Education:Updates in Pharmacy Law, ֻƬ School of Pharmacy , Center for Graduate Studies Campus, October 16, 2016.

Truong HA, Taheri R,Rosenberg E. Research Poster Presentation,Development and Implementation of a Mock Trial as Final Exam in Required Evidence-Based Practice Course[American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) 2016 Annual Meeting, Anaheim, California. July 25, 2016]

Hurley K, Sousa K,Rosenberg E, Sabnis G, Taheri R. AACP 2016 School Poster Presentation, Early Impacts of a Comprehensive Remediation Strategy in a School of Pharmacy[American Associations of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) Annual Meeting, Anaheim CA. July 23, 2016; Abstract #73]

Rosenberg E, (Invited Speaker, July 2016)American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) 2016 Annual Meeting – Substance Abuse Education and Assistance SIG Continuing Education Session:Don’t Put Mary Jane in the Corner: Essential Cannabis Curriculum and Conundrums, Anaheim, California. July 27, 2016.

Rosenberg E(Invited Speaker, October 2015),2015 Legislative Update on Marijuana: What’s the Score?Invited Presentation, Commemorating California Pharmacists Association (CPhA) 2015 Legislative Day, WCU CPhA-ASP Student Chapter, WCU Center for Graduate Studies, Los Angeles, California (October 29, 2015)

Rosenberg E, (Invited Speaker, July 2015)American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) 2015 Annual Meeting –History of Pharmacy SIG, Continuing Education Session:The Harrison Narcotic Act (1914): Why Coke is not Coke Anymore,National Arbor, Maryland. July 21, 2015.